PHCITY COMIC‐CON aims to be a convention for fans of comic books, graphic novels, manga, anime, and science fiction to gather, network, enjoy, learn about and participate in the dissemination of information about these interests. It is a celebration of art with the showcasing of stories in a very visual form.

The event will range from comic book publications showcased, animated screenings, workshops for sequential art enthusiasts, aspiring writers who also want to improve on their skills in the field of visual storytelling. The presence of various gaming areas in the event will also be a form of entertainment and fun for kids, teenagers, and young adults.

This event will help aspiring artists network and learn from professionals. There will be workshops during the event, such as writing classes, animation, illustration classes headed by seasoned professionals in their various fields.


The comic con is a place to express your inner geek and love for science fiction stories by putting on look-a-like costumes of famous television and literature characters in an acceptable environment. There will also be Cosplay contests to see the best portrayals.

Comic Con artwork
PHCity Comic-Con artwork

The local convention can inspire creativity in kids within and around Port Harcourt. PHCity Comic-Con aims to promote creativity amongst the youths and encourage valuing its own unique culture. You can attend panels to learn about a topic, talk to artists and writers, shop at the exhibit halls, and meet people with similar interests.

Benefits of Comic-Con

  • It boosts the culture of reading
  • It increases interest in comic books, animation, visual storytelling, and heightened imagination amongst the children and young adults
  • It creates a place where transformative literature is celebrated by both young and old
  • Organizes workshops and tutorial sessions for youths interested in writing and visual storytelling
  • Hosts sessions for those youths who want to make visual art a source of income
  • Promotes local talents in the field of comics, animation and written literature
  • Creates an avenue for networking between talents in the field of visual arts

Following a positive turn of events with the COVID-19, we look to host this event and promote our city.


Barida Alawa is a writer, tech enthusiast and an event planner. There's always something new to learn.