
Scott Eboh


The thing about festive seasons is that they put us in that celebratory mood; to eat, drink, party, visit people, to have a memorable and good time. Festive seasons come with memories you’ll always play in your head, making you smile. Abuja as you already know is the capital city of Nigeria and you expect nothing less when it comes to visiting places, hanging out with family and creating memories. With your kids at home…

Some things come into existence deliberately and some by the activities of men. This could be said of this old and abandoned quarry site that has now become an attractive sight to the indigenes of Mpape and its environs. “Mpape”, meaning rock in Gwari, is a suburb in the FCT known for its mining activities. The lake with its riveting look was born out of suspended and halted mining activity. You could say that it…

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic that has in part crippled certain sectors of the economy, there have been innovations springing up to enable people live their normal lives despite the pandemic. In the movie industry, we had film production companies opt for online releases on digital platforms such as Netflix, Afrilix, HBO, and the likes. Just to make sure that movie lovers still get to watch that long-awaited movie and also to keep…

I love the rail transport system. There are no checkpoints or potholes. Or so I thought. An excursion visit took me to a railway station for the first time ever. It wasn’t any different for my students and colleagues who were with me at the time for what was an exciting adventure for us. Students on an excursion trip to a train station The highlight of our visit to the Kubwa train station was a…

As a city develops, it attracts a lot of people who come to seek greener pastures, make ends meet or to experience city life. With such an influx, traffic gridlocks can abound. I remember my geography lessons indicating traffic as one of the problems encountered in urban areas. Navigating Abuja, especially the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), should not be a problem. There are alternate routes to avoid traffic gridlocks due to an efficient road…

Driving through the city of Abuja, you are greeted by high rise buildings which are either government offices, corporate, or branch offices of companies. These often give off the city as one of work, work, work, and no play. This is a misguided conclusion because right in the middle of the city is a place of fun and recreation called Central Park Abuja. Located at plot 174, Kur Mohammed Avenue Central Business District, adjacent to…