
Leela Alawa


While environmental sustainability remains an issue within the city and country at large, certain steps are being taken by individual citizens to mitigate the effect of human activity on the environment. The city of Port Harcourt has been faced with sanitation and hygiene problems over the past few years, but today, the presence of piles of refuse dotting the entire city may have turned Port Harcourt rather to a “garbage city”. With the rise of…

Is co-working the future? “If it takes a village to raise a child, then maybe it takes a co-working space to raise a startup”Anonymous With the rise of entrepreneurship in our city, the need for shared workspaces is on the rise. Although working from home allows homely comfort, there are some limitations. One is the need for a structure in place to help in maintaining a continual work-life balance. A co-working space does that as…